Friday, 21 December 2012


cow milk

cow farms

It's a question I get all the time: how much cow's milk should my child drink?

It's a question I get all the time: how much cow's milk should my child drink?

Cow's milk can be part of a healthy diet for children; about 70 percent of children drink it on a daily basis. Milk has protein and calcium--and it's fortified with Vitamin D, a vitamin that is very important not only for healthy bone growth, but for the prevention of some chronic diseases, including autoimmune, respiratory and heart diseases. In fact, the Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that children who don't drink at least 1000 mL (about four cups) of milk daily should take extra Vitamin D. 

That sounds like kids should be drinking at least four cups of milk a day--but that may not be such a good idea. 

Fortified milk may be high in calcium and vitamin D, but it's low in iron. Not only is it low in iron, but drinking a lot of it interferes with the body's absorption of iron and can even cause small amounts of bleeding in the intestine, further lowering the amount of iron in the body. And when children drink a lot of milk, it can fill them up and make it less likely that they will eat enough of other healthy iron-containing foods like meat or dark leafy vegetables (I see this often in my practice). In fact, drinking a lot of cow's milk is a common cause of iron deficiency. That's why the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures guidelines recommend that children should only drink two cups a day.

So which is right? Two cups or four cups? A study just released in the journal Pediatrics helps doctors and parents answer this question. Researchers in Canada studied more than a thousand children ages two to five, looking at their diets, their lifestyles, and their vitamin D and ferritin (a test that measures iron) levels. 

Their answer to the question: two cups is right--with some caveats.

The biggest caveats have to do with the fact that Vitamin D is a sunshine vitamin--our bodies literally make it with help from the sun. If you have dark skin, you don't absorb those important rays as well--and during the winter, when we all tend to stay inside more, we get less exposure to sunshine. The researchers found that dark-skinned children who didn't get extra Vitamin D during the winter would need 3-4 cups of milk to get enough Vitamin D--but when they got that much, their iron levels went down. So supplementation is probably the better way to go.

Another interesting caveat had to do with bottles. Kids who drank milk from bottles didn't seem to get the same bump in Vitamin D from drinking more--and were more likely to have iron deficiency. The researchers weren't sure why this is, but said maybe parents don't realize how much milk their kids drink when they use a bottle--and kids who take milk from bottles might drink other things like juice from it too, and be otherwise more likely to fill up on fluids instead of eating a healthy diet.

So--here are the bottom lines for parents when it comes to cow's milk:
  • Give your child two cups a day.
  • Have your child play outside whenever possible, not only for Vitamin D levels but for overall health.
  • If your child is dark-skinned, or you spend very little time outdoors, talk to your doctor about taking a Vitamin D supplement, especially in the winter.
  • Ditch the bottle as soon as possible (by a year--sooner if you can).

Cow's milk isn't absolutely necessary for a healthy diet--there are other ways to get the nutrition it offers. If your child isn't drinking cow's milk for whatever reason, talk to your doctor about the best way to be sure that he or she is getting enough calcium, vitamin D and protein.

For more information on healthy diets for children, visit the Nutrition page of the AAP's website and, which has great (and practical) information from the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

2 cups of cow’s milk daily best for kids’ health

Published: Tuesday, Dec 18, 2012, 10:47 IST 
Place: Washington, DC | Agency: ANI

One of the most common questions parents ask their doctors is ‘How much milk should I be giving my children?
Now they have got their answer from a new research and the answer is two cups per day.
“We started to research the question because professional recommendations around milk intake were unclear and doctors and parents were seeking answers,” said Dr. Jonathon Maguire, a paediatrician at St. Michael’s Hospital and the lead author of the study.
Dr. Maguire and his team looked at how cow’s milk affected body stores of iron and vitamin D – two of the most important nutrients in milk – in more than 1,300 children aged two to five years.
They found that children who drank more cow’s milk had higher Vitamin D stores but lower iron stores.
“We saw that two cups of cow’s milk per day was enough to maintain adequate vitamin D levels for most children, while also maintaining iron stores. With additional cow’s milk, there was a further reduction in iron stores without greater benefit from vitamin D,” Dr. Maguire said.
The researchers recruited healthy children during routine doctor’s appointments between 2008 and 2010. Parents were asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire about their children’s milk drinking habits and other factors that could affect iron and Vitamin D stores. A blood sample was obtained from each child to determine body stores of iron and Vitamin D.
The children were participating in TARGet Kids!, a unique collaboration between children’s doctors and researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital and The Hospital for Sick Children. The program follows children from birth with the aim of understanding and preventing common nutrition problems in the early years and their impact on health and disease later in life.
The study also suggested that children with darker skin pigmentation may not have enough vitamin D stores during the winter months.
Dr. Maguire suggested that instead of consuming more milk to increase these levels, wintertime vitamin D supplementation may be a more appropriate way of increasing vitamin D stores while preserving iron stores.
“Vitamin D deficiency in children has been linked to bone health issues and iron deficiency has been linked to anemia and delays in cognitive development,” Dr. Maguire said.
“Being able to answer parent’s questions about healthy cow’s milk intake is important to avoiding these potentially serious complications of low vitamin D and iron stores,” he stated.
But the Canadian Paediatric Society recommends that cow’s milk should not be started before one year of age.
The results of the study appeared online in Pediatrics.

Milk and Eggs

Milk and Cows


Friday, 7 December 2012

It is almost four times as salty as breast milk, say researchers who have found that those fed cow's milk before 12 months tended to have the highest salt diets.
Dr Pauline Emmett and Vicky Cribb, nutritionists from Bristol University, found that seven in 10 babies had too much salt in their diets.
The study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at almost 1,200 eight-month-olds born in 1991 or 1992.
Cow's milk, they noted, contains 55mg of salt per 100ml, almost four times that found in breast milk (15mg / 100ml). Concentrations in formula milk vary from 15 to 30mg / 100ml.
A baby consuming 700ml of cow's milk daily (or 25 fluid ounces) would be getting 385mg of salt from that source alone - almost half the recommended maximum (one gram) for a baby up to a year old. One in eight of the children studied were fed only cow's milk, as opposed to breast or formula.

My Pics

Jolly Cow

sality cow milk

It is almost four times as salty as breast milk, say researchers who have found that those fed cow's milk before 12 months tended to have the highest salt diets.
Dr Pauline Emmett and Vicky Cribb, nutritionists from Bristol University, found that seven in 10 babies had too much salt in their diets.
The study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at almost 1,200 eight-month-olds born in 1991 or 1992.
Cow's milk, they noted, contains 55mg of salt per 100ml, almost four times that found in breast milk (15mg / 100ml). Concentrations in formula milk vary from 15 to 30mg / 100ml.
A baby consuming 700ml of cow's milk daily (or 25 fluid ounces) would be getting 385mg of salt from that source alone - almost half the recommended maximum (one gram) for a baby up to a year old. One in eight of the children studied were fed only cow's milk, as opposed to breast or formula.

What milk is best for my baby


Milk and dairy products are great sources of energy and protein – and have lots of vitamins and minerals, like calcium, which kids need to build healthy bones and teeth.
You can use your Healthy Start vouchers to buy powdered infant formula milk or any kind of heat-treated plain cow’s milk – whole, semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmed. Heat-treated milks are miks that say pasteurised, sterilised or long-life (UHT) on the carton or bottle.
Remember: you can’t buy soya milk, goat’s milk products, or ‘milks’ made from rice, oats or almonds with your vouchers. You can’t spend them on soya-based formula either – which you should only give to your baby if your doctor, health visitor or dietitian has advised you to.

What milk is best for my baby (0–12 months)?

  • Breast milk is the only thing a baby needs until they are about six months old. But if you are not breastfeeding, you can use your Healthy Start vouchers to buy powdered infant formula milk – this will always say ‘suitable from birth’ on the package. You can’t buy follow-on formula (labelled as ‘suitable for use from six months’) with your vouchers.  Infant formula milk is suitable for all babies under 12 months old. Keep feeding your baby breast milk or infant formula alongside a variety of solid foods until they are one year old.
  • At around six months, when your baby starts on solids, you can mix whole (full-fat) cow’s milk with your baby’s food, but never give it as a drink until they are over 12 months old.
  • Never give babies under 12 months condensed, evaporated or dried milk; sheep’s or goat’s milk; or any ‘milks’ made from rice, oats or almonds.
Remember: if you do decide to bottle feed your baby, make sure that you follow the advice on safe bottle feeding.

What milk is best for my toddler (12-24 months years)?

  • You can continue to breastfeed while offering your child a range of solid foods.
  • You can give your child whole (full-fat) cow’s milk as a drink from one year old.
  • At this age, children need at least 300ml of milk a day (just over half a pint) to make sure that they get enough calcium.
  • Never give your child semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmed milk, because these don’t contain enough calories or essential vitamins for children of this age.

What milk is best for my child (2–5 years)?

  • At this age, children can drink whole or semi-skimmed milk, but not skimmed or 1% milk as they don’t provide enough calories. If your child doesn’t like milk, it’s important to try to include other dairy foods in their diet such as yoghurt or cheese, but don’t give them lower-fat versions.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Milk and Oxytocin

You are drinking this dangerous drug every day. Your milkman uses the same oxytocin injection TWICE A DAY by injecting it into the cow/buffalo in the mistaken notion that it produces extra milk. What it actually does is makes the milk flow faster by causing the cow's uterus to start contracting. It is used to force the cow to give milk after being beaten, starved and put under stress.Do you know how terrible labour pains are? Think of millions of cows having the same uterine contractions twice a day. It damages her reproductive abilities causing premature sterility. This injection is the reason why the cow becomes incapable of bearing calves within a few years and is sent to the slaughterhouse -- ten years before her natural life-span is over. A cow withstands any viciousness on her: but when she sees the long needle of the oxytocin injection EVERY cow bucks like a horse anticipating the pain to come.Oxytocin not only affects the cow, it filters into the milk. It has been held responsible for uterine cancers, male impotence, and excessive hair on women and balding for men, early or erratic periods, and early development of breasts (for both sexes). It is considered particularly harmful for the eyes, especially in children. The hormone affects the reproductive ability of women. Its most common symptoms are exhaustion and loss of energy. Pregnant women who drink milk have an increased risk of haemorrhaging.Beef all over India has been found to be extremely toxic with large amounts of this drug. 

Dangerous Milk? Steroid Injections for Cows Could Endanger Human Lives

The milk from cows injected with steroids may cause low immunity level in humans, leading to several diseases. Such animals are given steroids so that they can produce more milk. Also, steroid injections are known to speed up the process of fowl or calf birth in animals.

Several cattle pen owners use this unnatural method to increase their profits. Sadly, this also leads to low infertility among cows and buffaloes. Generally, the owners of cattle pens inject 2cc of steroids in buffaloes twice a day. This injection is available in markets for Rs10-12. It increases the body temperature of buffaloes, as a result of which the milk discharge is quicker. However, the animals stop giving milk when the effect of the injection wears off. 

Moreover, this is practiced on those cows whose newly-born calves are separated from them so that the milk production is high. The calves are sold in Kutta Market situated in Buffalo Colony (Bhains Colony), which are then slaughtered and sold to restaurants. Their skin is sold at high prices. 

The Secretary General of the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA), Karachi, Dr Qaisar Sajjad, says that these injections affect humans also when they drink this milk. For one thing, the immunity level decreases when the steroid-treated milk is consumed consistently. Ailments such as flu, hair loss, obesity, high cholesterol level and sometimes kidney failure are the most common result of this. 

Furthermore, Sajjad said that “there may be problems in deliveries as well and that this practice is slow poisoning for consumers". He added that such milk may also cause early maturity in children. 

The veterinary surgeon, Dr Isma Gheewala, presents a different side to this issue. According to her, cows are unable to produce naturally because when their calves aren’t present, their bodies are unable to produce the hormone which stimulates the milk-producing glands. Therefore, injections of the hormone oxytocin are used to stimulate their pituitary glands. 

She said that, generally the effects of the injection last for only two hours. The procedure is not used unnecessarily because it is not how one can get more milk. She maintains that the injections have no side effects on animals.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Cows' milk protects against HIV

Melbourne: Cows` milk can be potentially developed into affordable creams that can help protect humans against HIV, a study has claimed.

Lead scientist from University of Melbourne Marit Kramski found that when pregnant cows were vaccinated with an HIV protein, the first milk produced by the cow after giving birth, called colostrum, produced high antibodies to protect its newborn against disease.

Researchers were now planning to test the effectiveness and safety of the milk before turning it into a cream which will hopefully allow women to protect themselves against contracting the virus during sex, without relying on men, the Herald Sun reported.

However, the final result could be a decade off.

The researchers were able to inhibit the virus from infecting cells when combing the virus cells with milk.

"We think the antibodies bind to the surface of the virus and block the protein which needs to be freed to get in contact with human cells - like a key and lock system. If the key`s not accessible or you change the key, you can`t open the door," Kramski said adding

"It`s a very cheap and easy way to produce a lot of antibodies."

Kramski had partnered with Australian biotechnology company Immuron Ltd to develop the milk, and would continue working with them to produce a preventative cream.

"We have the antibodies at the moment - the next step will be formulation," Kramski said.

My pic



Monday, 15 October 2012

Goodness of Cow Milk

Milk is almost an ideal food. It has high nutritive value. It supplies body-building proteins, bone-forming minerals and health-giving vitamins and furnishes energy-giving lactose and milk fat. Besides supplying certain essential fatty acids, it contains the above nutrients in an easily digestible and assimilable form. All these properties make milk an important food for pregnant mothers, growing children, adolescents, adults, invalids, convalescents and patients alike.
 Milk is a powerful nutrition package containing nine essential nutrients including calcium, protein and potassium. Milk is the perfect beverage for today's kids and teens. 
• Calcium: Milk and dairy products are an important source of calcium. Apart from bone health, Calcium also plays vital role in blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, cell membrane function and blood pressure regulation. 
• Protein: Milk is a good source of low-cost high quality protein, which is readily digested. This protein is important for a number of bodily functions — vital to brain development and the growth of body tissues. 
• Vitamin A: Maintains normal vision and skin. Helps regulate cell growth and integrity of the immune system. 
• Vitamin B-12: Essential for the growth and health of the nervous system. Linked to normal activity of folic acid and is involved in blood formation. 
• Vitamin D: Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and influences bone mineralization, the strengthening of bones. 
• Potassium: Regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure. It is also needed for muscle activity and contractions. 
• Phosphorus: Helps generate energy in the body's cells and influences bone mineralization, the strengthening of bones. 
• Niacin: Keeps enzymes functioning normally and helps the body process sugars and fatty acids. It is also important for the development of the nervous system. 
• Riboflavin: Helps produce energy in the body's cells and plays a vital role in the development of the nervous system.

Monday, 3 September 2012

cow milk for children

توانائی اور غذایت کے اعتبار سے بچے کیلئے سب سے عمدہ دودھ ماں کا ہے عورت کا ہے۔ اس کے بعد گائے کا دودھ ہے۔ گائے کے دودھ میں پانی 35۔87 فیصد ہوتا ہے۔ چکنائی 75۔3 فیصد مٹھاس 75۔4 فیصد لحمیات 4۔3 فیصد دنیا کے مختلف ممالک میں زیادہ تر گائے کا دودھ مقبول ہے۔ مثلا ارجنٹائن، ڈنمارک، ناروے، آسٹریلیا اور نیوزی لینڈ عالمی اہمیت کے حامل ہیں ۔ یہ ممالک گائیں پالتے ہیں اور انکے دودھ سے بھر پور فائدہ اٹھاتے ہین ، گائے کا دودھ کثیر الغذا ، زود ہضم، منی پیدا کرتا ہے ۔ دل کو طاقت بخشتا ہے۔ دماغ کیلئے بھی مقوی ہے۔ بدن کو موٹا کرتا ہے۔ طبیعت کو نرم کرتا ہے ۔ خفقان ، سیل دق اور پھیپھڑے کے زخم کو مفید ہے۔ تازہ تحقیقات سے معلوم ہوا کہ گائے کے دودھ میں امینو ایسدذ اور ٹرپٹوفین موجود ہوتے ہیں اور یہ دونوں مل کر نکوٹینک ایسڈ کی خاصیت پیدا کر دیتے ہیں ۔

Dangerous Milk? Steroid Injections for Cows Could Endanger Human Lives

The milk from cows injected with steroids may cause low immunity level in humans, leading to several diseases. Such animals are given steroids so that they can produce more milk. Also, steroid injections are known to speed up the process of fowl or calf birth in animals.

Several cattle pen owners use this unnatural method to increase their profits. Sadly, this also leads to low infertility among cows and buffaloes. Generally, the owners of cattle pens inject 2cc of steroids in buffaloes twice a day. This injection is available in markets for Rs10-12. It increases the body temperature of buffaloes, as a result of which the milk discharge is quicker. However, the animals stop giving milk when the effect of the injection wears off.

Moreover, this is practiced on those cows whose newly-born calves are separated from them so that the milk production is high. The calves are sold in Kutta Market situated in Buffalo Colony (Bhains Colony), which are then slaughtered and sold to restaurants. Their skin is sold at high prices.

The Secretary General of the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA), Karachi, Dr Qaisar Sajjad, says that these injections affect humans also when they drink this milk. For one thing, the immunity level decreases when the steroid-treated milk is consumed consistently. Ailments such as flu, hair loss, obesity, high cholesterol level and sometimes kidney failure are the most common result of this.

Furthermore, Sajjad said that “there may be problems in deliveries as well and that this practice is slow poisoning for consumers". He added that such milk may also cause early maturity in children.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Important Health Benefits of Cow’s Milk

Important Health Benefits of Cow’s Milk
The following are a few vital health benefits of cow’s milk:

Calcium –
  • One of the most important mineral present in cow’s milk is calcium. This mineral is vital for bones growth and development. Calcium gets joined to phosphorus and forms calcium phosphate, which is a important element of hydroxyapatite. This helps give strength to the bones and their proper structure.
  • Cancer – Calcium found in cow’s milk also has several other benefits such as it protects the colon cells from the chemicals which lead to cancer.
  • Migraine and PMS - Cow’s milk calcium helps in reduction against PMS symptoms in the menstruation cycle and also prevents migraine headache.
  • Obesity – Calcium in cow’s milk prevents obesity in kids and also aid adult people to lose weight, especially around midsection.
  • Parathyroid hormone – Calcium in cow’s milk help in body fat oxidation and also decreases secretion of parathyroid hormone. Thus, the level of parathyroid hormone is maintained at reduced rates.
  • Breast cancer – Calcium effectively fights against breast cancer. Calcium also plays an integral role in muscle contraction, blood clotting, regulation of blood pressure and function of cell membrane.
Benefits of cow's milk
Protein –
  • High quality protein is present in cow’s milk, which has ultimate benefits to the body.
  • Gout – Cows milk is effective against gout, a type of arthritis.
Vitamins –
  • Cow’s milk is rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B12, both of which help produce energy for the body.
  • These vitamins also help protect heart.
  • Vitamin B12 also helps produce red blood cells (RBC’s). It helps prevent anemia and produces nerve cells. Vitamin B12 also aid the cells to use protein, carbohydrates and carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin A present in cow’s milk is needed for development and growth of mucosal and epithelial tissues, which helps protect against microorganisms invasion and their toxic effects. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to frequent cold, rheumatoid arthritis, infection in ear and various other diseases.
Iodine –
Cow’s milk is abundant in iodine, which is an incorporated component of thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
Potassium -
  • A cup of cow’s milk is enough for the body’s daily requirement of potassium. Potassium is needed for proper heart functioning, nerve transmissions and muscles contraction.
  • Because milk is rich in potassium and calcium, they prevent kidney stone formation in the body.
Some Side Effects of Cow’s Milk
  • Allergy – Some people are allergic to cow’s milk as it can cause some adverse reactions in some people. It can be due to impure or unisolated consumption of milk. Common symptoms of milk allergy are swelling of lips, tongue or throat, itching, dizziness, skin rashes and nasal congestion.
  • Cow’s milk is rich in 4.7% lactose, which can’t be digested by some people because they lack lactase enzyme to digest it.
  • In some places, cows are treated with rBGh (recombinant bovine growth hormone), which can lead to some health conditions like infertility, lameness and mastitis.
Exposure to Cow’s milk in early stages has benefits:
  • Some reports suggest that when a child is given cow’s milk for first two weeks of life, it can help protect a kid from later development of milk allergy.
  • A study conducted by Dr. Yitzhak Katz in Tel Aviv University, Israel found that cow’s milk in very early life stages can help boost tolerance.
The above are a few health benefits of cow’s milk. Cow’s milk should be boiled and to make it stay fresh for longer period, keep in the refrigerator.


A prospective study published in the December issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association gives parents yet another reason to regularly include low-fat dairy products such as low fat cow's milk in their children's healthy way of eating given the rate at which childhood obesity is rising in the West: consumption of calcium-rich foods was found to be negatively correlated with body fat.

Monday, 27 August 2012

اور تہمارے لیے مویشیوں میں بھی ایک سبق موجود ہے

ترجمہ: "اور تہمارے لیے مویشیوں میں بھی ایک سبق موجود ہے، ان کے پیٹ سے گوبر اور خون کے درمیان ہم ایک چیز تمہیں پلاتے ہیں ، یعنی خالص دودھ ، جو پینے والوں کے لیے نہایت خوشگوار ہے" ۔ ( سورۃ النحل۔ آیت66)

Sunday, 26 August 2012

گاءے اور بھینس کے دودھ میں فرق

گاءے اور بھینس کے دودھ میں فرق

 پاکستان میں زیادہ تر بھینس کے دودھ کوترجیح دی جاتی ہے اور اس کی وجہ بھینس کے دودھ کا گائے کے دودھ سے گاڑھا ہونا ہے۔ بھینس کے دودھ میں چکنائی کا تناسب پانچ فی صد کے لگ بھگ ہوتا ہے جب کہ گائے کے دودھ میں یہ مقدار ساڑھے تین فی صد ہے۔ طبی ماہرین گائے کے دودھ کو انسانی صحت کے لیے زیادہ بہتر قراردیتے ہیں۔ چند ملکوں کے سوا  دنیا بھر میں ڈیری کی ضروریات پوری کرنے کے لیے گائے کا دودھ ہی استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ گاءے کے دودھ میں چکناءی کے کم تناسب کی وجہ سے یہ گاءے کا دودھ ہمیں مختلف بیماریوں سے محفوظ رکھتا ہے ۔ طبی ماہرین نے گاءے کو دودھ کو انسانی صحت کے زیادہ موافق قرار دیا ہے اور اس بات پر زور دیا ہے کہ گاءے کا دودےھ زیادہ سے زیادہ استعمال کیا جاءے۔

Saturday, 25 August 2012


السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ۔

دودھ اللہ تعالی کی فراہم کردہ غذاءوں میں سب سے اعلی اور عمدہ غذا ہے۔ دودھ کو تمام غذاءوں کا سردار کہا گیا ہے ۔ دودھ پینے کی دعا میں بھی اللہ سے یہی دعا کی جاتی ہے کہ اے اللہ ہمیں اس دودہ میں برکت عطا فرما اور اس سے مزید عطا فرما ۔ اس سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ دودھ کوءی معمولی غذا نہیں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے بھی دودھ میں برکت کی دعا کی ہے ۔

بد قسمتی سے ہمارے ملک پاکستان میں خالص دودھ کا ملنا مشکل ہو گیا ہے مشکل اس لیے کہہ رہا ہوں کہ خالص دودھ کا ملنا اب بھی ممکن ہے لیکن تھوڑی کوشش کرنی پڑتی ہے ۔ ہمارے ملک میں دودھ کی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لیے بھینس، گاءے اور بکری کو دودھ استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ۔ کچھ عرصہ قبل مجھے بھینس کے دودھ کے نقصانات کے حوالے سے پڑھنے کا موقعہ ملا جو میرے لیے بالکل نءی باتیں تھیں اس سے بعد ہم نے بھیینس اور بازاری دودھ کا استعمال ختم کرکے اپنا لیے گاءے کے دودھ کا انتظام کیا جس کے متعلق ہمیں سو فیصدی یقین تھا کہ یہ بالکل خالص ہے اپنے آنکھوں کے سامنے دودھ کی چواءی کرتے ہو ءے دیکھ کر اسے خالص نہ کہنے کی کوءی وجہ باقی نہ تھی ۔

اس بعد ہم نے اپنی ضروریات اور اپنے کچھ دوستوں کے اصرار پر اپنی ملک سروس کا آغاز کیا الحمد اللہ اب ہم خود اپنی گاءے کا دودھ استعمال کرتے ہیں اور دوستوں کو بھی فراہم کرتے ہیں ۔ اور یہ سارا کام صرف اس بنیاد پر شروع کیا کہ ہم اللہ کے بندوں تک اللہ کی عطا کی ہوءی چیز یعنی دودھ کو اس حالت میں پہنچاءیں جیسا کہ وہ اصل میں اللہ نے عطا کی ہے ۔ ہم اپنے جانوروں کو اپنے کھیتوں سے چارہ کھلاتے ہیں اور دودھ کی پیداءش کے لیے جانور کو کوءی انجیکشن بھی نہیں لگاتے۔ ہماری یہ کوشش ہوتی کہ دودھ کو فریز کیے بغیر ہی ہم آپ تک پہنچاءے تا کہ آپ کو تازہ اور خالص دودہ کی اصل پہچان اور ذاءقہ معلوم اور محسوس ہو سکے۔

الحمد اللہ اب ہم اپنی اس سروس کا وسعت سے رہے ہیں۔ اس وقت ہماری سروس کراچی کے علاقے ملیر۔ شاہ فیصل۔ یونیورسٹی روڈ۔ گلستان جوہر اور گلشن اقبال کے لیے ہے۔

اگر آپ بھی یہ دودھ حاصل کرنا چاہتے ہیں تو ہم سے رابطہ کریں۔ ہم آپ کے گھر تک دودھ پہنچاءیں گے۔

رابطہ نمبر۔ عابد علی 03152609151
